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October 13, 2020
Arts Office eBulletin:: Board + Volunteer Recruitment Workshops


Vantage Point, formerly known as Volunteer Vancouver, offers a variety of professional development, training and educational products and services. North Shore arts and cultural groups may be interested in upcoming workshops that will focus on Board and Volunteer development. Please contact Vantage Point directly for more information.


Strategic Recruiting: Building Your Board

Friday, October 21, 2020
9:00 am - 12:00 pm
1183 Melville St., Downtown Vancouver

Recruiting new Board members who are qualified and committed is one of a Board's biggest challenges. Often, Board members ask friends and acquaintances as a last resort. But by building Boards that act, think and look like previous ones, are Boards equipping themselves to deal with the complex issues facing our changing communities? This workshop will focus on going beyond recruiting the usual suspects to help you build the best Board for your organization.

For more information, fees, and to register, click here.


Skilled Volunteers: How to Find and Engage Volunteer Talent

Tuesday, November 8, 2020
9:00 am - 12:00 pm
1183 Melville Street, Downtown Vancouver

Would your organization like to engage different types of volunteers to strengthen its mission? Join us for this full-day workshop and learn how to find, involve and lead specifically-skilled volunteers.

What others are saying about this workshop:

“This great workshop really made me think about how to attract and tap into outstanding talent.”

“I had a fair amount of knowledge coming in, but this session raised my awareness & increased my enthusiasm.”

For more information, fees, and to register, click here.


Board Development - Board Basics: Roles & Responsibilities

Tuesday, November 8, 2020
9:00 am - 12:00 pm
1183 Melville Street, Downtown Vancouver

Are you new to your role as a board member and looking for tools and resources to contribute most effectively in your role?

The recent report “Daring to Lead” reveals board members become an average of 31% more effective when they participate in Leadership Development programs. Join us in this half-day workshop to develop a stronger board through better recruitment, orientation, meeting management, committee structure and evaluation techniques.

For more information, fees, and to register, click here.


The Vantage Point website has a number of excellent resources on not-for-profit management and the voluntary sector. Visit the Vantage Point website for more information and links.


All best,