Busking in the City of North Vancouver
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The City of North Vancouver recognizes the cultural contribution that street entertainment delivers to the community. The City encourages performers to showcase their craft, and values the diversity of entertainment and ambience that buskers provide. No licenses or permits are required to busk.

The City is committed to providing a safe and accessible environment for performers, businesses and residents, and offers the following guidelines for buskers:

  • Amplification of performances is not permitted for busking; however, permits may be obtained from the City if amplification is necessary for performances
  • Busking should be limited to the hours between 9am to 9pm
  • Busking in the same location should be limited. Consider changing locations on a regular basis so that the entertainment can be shared throughout the community
  • If you receive a complaint from the public, or if a business owner asks that you not busk in front of their store, please be courteous and move to another location
  • Be aware of pedestrians and others occupying the same space. Always ensure access to sidewalks and storefronts for pedestrians

Download the City of North Vancouver's busking brochure here (PDF)
