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September 26, 2020
North Shore Culture Days - Bring it On!

Culture Days is the largest-ever collective public participation campaign undertaken by the arts and cultural community in this country and Vancouver's North Shore is thrilled to be playing its part!

Thank you to everyone in all three North Shore municipalities for showing your support for our first-ever North Shore Culture Days. With over 75 free activities happening in a wide variety of creative spaces from Deep Cove to Horseshoe Bay, we're off to a great start!

Whether you're hosting a North Shore Culture Days event this weekend or not, we hope that you will help spread the word. Here is some late-breaking info and a few last minute tips to help you prepare for the weekend.



The North Shore Culture Days special 4-page insert will appear in the North Shore News this Friday including a Map & Guide with a complete list of activities. The Map & Guide will be available as a downloadable PDF on Friday morning on the Arts Office website here.



A Media Release was sent to local and regional media with information and highlights about North Shore Culture Days. Feel free to contact media directly to invite them to your event. Also feel free to use material from the September 24th media release which can be found on the Arts Office website here.



North Shore Culture Days posters, postcards, buttons and Bright Spot event locators were distributed last week. Please ensure that you have them prominently displayed. Downloadable posters can be found on the Arts Office website here.



Please take lots! Shoot and share your North Shore Culture Days event photos on Facebook, Twitter, your own website. Feel free to email photos to the Arts Office and we'll post them on our website and social media. Email to [email protected]

CBC Photo Contest - upload your North Shore Culture Days photos with a brief description to the CBC website for your chance to win fabulous culture-themed prizes from across BC click here.



To help ensure you maximize your North Shore Culture Days experience, here are some things to keep in mind as you finalize preparations for your activity. To find lots of helpful tips and tools, including the Culture Days' event hosting checklist click here.

QUESTIONS? Please contact:

Barb McLean, North Shore Culture Days Coordinator
[email protected]
604 982-3894