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December 18, 2020
Arts Office eNews:: December 2012

In this final Arts Office eNews issue of the year, we shine the Artists Among Us spotlight on two extraordinary volunteers who have devoted lots of time and energy to North Vancouver's public art program. In addition; grants announcements, an update on the cultural planning process, and regional workshop news are all included in this issue.

Tis' the season to be jolly and we at the Arts Office extend to all of you our best wishes for a joyful holiday season and inspiring New Year!

The Arts Office Team
Ian, Barb, Lori and John

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Holiday Hours: The Arts Office will be closed Friday December 21st and will re-open on Wednesday January 2, 2013.

  • The Arts Office bids a fond farewell to Laura, our wonderful intern from Capilano University's Arts + Entertainment Management program. Since September 2012, Laura has been an integral member of the Arts Office team contributing to the success of projects such as North Shore Culture Days, the FANS Awards evening, and various public art activities. We wish her all the very best as she completes her studies at CapU and sets out to pursue her dream to work in the sometimes wild, but always wonderful, world of arts and culture!

    The Arts Office team surrounded by bright lights and festive Christmas Trees in Lynn Valley Village. Pictured above left to right: Laura Morrison, Barb McLean, Ian Forsyth, John Rice and Lori Phillips.

  • Earlier this month, Councils for the City and District of North Vancouver approved Project Grant recommendations for twelve creative projects and events that will take place between January 1st and June 30th, 2013. Pictured above is dancer/singer Bob Baker and Artistic Director Michele Olson of Raven Spirit Dance.  A first time Project Grant applicant, the Raven Spirit Dance Society will receive support for their contemporary dance and multi-media project entitled A Northern Journey. Read on for a full list of Round One Project Grant recipients.

  • The North Vancouver Public Art Advisory Committee (NVPAAC) is made up of volunteers who serve both the City and the District of North Vancouver by advising on matters pertaining to all of the municipally administered public art programs. Having now completed their NVPAAC terms, the Arts Office extends heartfelt thanks to outgoing members Lee Barnes and Carol McQuarrie for their dedication to the public art process over the years. With their departure, two positions for new committee members are now up for grabs!

  • Arts Office Cultural Development Officer Barb McLean and CapU intern Laura Morrison were among the team of facilitators at the Survivor 101 Cultural Café Think Tank that took place last month at the Royal Theatre in New Westminster. Close to 100 representives from arts organizations from across the Lower Mainland, including North Vancouver, participated in this one-day workshop that covered a range of topics including: organizational life cycles, audience building strategies, fund raising and resource development.

  • Work continues on a new Cultural Plan that will inform and guide the delivery of arts and cultural services for North Vancouver over the next 10+ years. The Cultural Plan will build upon the wide array of creative assets currently enjoyed by residents ensuring that these opportunities are aligned with the needs and desires as expressed through the Official Community Plans in both the City and District of North Vancouver.
