This website features over one hundred artworks located right here in North Vancouver. The artworks are one-of-a-kind pieces that were created throught one of three public art project streams; civic, community or developer.
Each artwork has a story to tell about our unique corner of the world. The Arts Office invites you to explore our outstanding art collection and discover more about our people, our history, our environment and our culture.
This human figures protect and display vessels planted with greenery as an outward expression of man's responsibility to the natural environment.
These colourful banners were created by local residents as a way of personalizing the street frontage around a newly opened community centre.
This sculpture acknowledges the site’s transformation, from a workplace for men and women who pioneered the community, to a place for the next generation to build upon.
‘Living Ruin' is a low-to-the-ground, free-form, geometric shape constructed of split granite. It forms a semi-enclosed, safe place for play and resembles a living room..
5 stylized figures in various log riding poses remind us of the early years in North Vancouver, when logging was the primary industry.
Artistic impression of the public art piece North Shore Rhapsody