Seven bridges along the Wagg and Mission Creek Path have each been installed with four panels to create a contemplative walking poem. The cut out silhouettes on the steel panels illustrate forests, flora and fauna in the park. Kerr states, “I think of the whole forest as a bridge; a bridge that connects one side of our lives – the public one, the daily one, the busy one – to the other side – our inner lives that crave solitude, peace and restoration. Each bridge is an opportunity to stop and reflect on elements of the natural world that contribute to the life around the stream: its canopy, under-story, ground life and water life; its boulder fields and debris jams. Through the collective images and textures, and through a meditative guided visualization threaded amongst the artwork, a story of the forest emerges.”
Site Integrated - ¼” Steel Panels, with plasma cut designs
About the Artist:
Katherine Kerr (BFA, B.Arch.) is a nationally and internationally awarded artist, designer and poet with backgrounds in the visual arts and architecture. In the past ten years Katherine has designed, fabricated and installed site integrated artworks in prominent interior and exterior public spaces.