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Coho Creek - Mosaic River

Artist: Walther, Bruce
Located at: Mahon Avenue & Keith Road
Neighbourhood: City Centre
Category: Civic
Status: Existing
Sponsor: City of North Vancouver

The mosaic river is part of 'Coho Creek' and represents a salmon stream that may have existed at this site before asphalt and concrete covered it. The mosaic stream includes red salmon heading upstream to spawn and smaller grey and silver fish heading toward the ocean. Being an urban stream, you will notice bits of broken bottle glass along the shore and the skeleton of a salmon.


Colourful mosaic tiles set into concrete; includes documentation- the name of the work and of the artists.



About the Artist:

Bruce Walther is a glass and mosaic artist who has done numerous stained glass commissions and community mosaic projects working with youth and street people. He was one of the lead artists for the Mosaic Art Tile Project, a series of 18 street mosaics commissioned by the Downtown Vancouver BIA during the 2010 Olympics.

Mr. Walther was formally trained at Langara College and the Emily Carr University of Art and Design. He lives and works in Vancouver, BC.
